Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ADVENTures Day 18: Lighting the 4th Candle of Advent

Maddie, Nicole, Kelsey and Kayla help with the 4th Candle of Advent: Love

We have been on an amazing journey with our community. The Spirit of God is on the move in a major way, and it is both awe-inspiring and humbling to see the myriad ways God is blessing, encouraging, loving, serving, and motivating his people, all out of great LOVE for us.

As our sweet girls held the candles of Advent, we couldn't help but be filled up with the LOVE of the season: God sent his son, as a baby, a helpless, tiny, vulnerable baby who would one day grow to be a man, perform many miracles, draw many to himself, obey and serve the Father in LOVE all the way to the cross, where he died for us, his JOY, in LOVE, that we might forever know the LOVE and JOY and HOPE that is ours in God, through Christ. 

May you all know the depth and riches of a God who came not in power and in might and in judgement, but helpless, meek, and grace-filled. In our most undeserving state, we've received the greatest gift of all time, better than all the Christmases combined: God himself.

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