Today was my Maddie girl's first day of Kindergarten. Wow, how time has flown.
Seems like just yesterday that Maddie was a wide-eyed, curious, happy little baby bean.
And now, would you look at her?!
long-legged, dimple-chinned, curious, happy, thoughtful, compassionate lovey girl
(For the record, Ben is not a fan of this outfit or the hairdo. He thinks she's too 80s. She asked for one side braid, and she selected the outfit, and I think it's super cute and totally Maddie.)
This morning I was wide awake at 5:00, thinking about her first day, praying for her, reminiscing about "firsts" from the past. I had a good long time with Jesus before I heard the patter of their feet on the stairs. Thankful I had those moments to center myself and prepare for the day.
She likes to pose herself these days. :)
The side sweeping french braid, totally necessary because she went to bed with wet, unbrushed hair. It was quite a fluffy, wispy, wavy sight this morning.
The big girl in front of her new classroom:
And playing around on the playground:

Waiting in line to head in the classroom:
Scenes around the classroom (word wall, welcome Kinders, library time, bulletin board, puppet theater):
And, at the end of the day, hugs from Mrs. Legeluche, the honey bun of a K teacher and already friend of the family.
And for a fun & special big girl date, we headed to the beauty salon for new haircuts.

Is she not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!
Yay for Kindergarten. Neither of us cried a tear. It was a happy, fun and special day. So thankful for this wonderfully sweet girl.
Beautiful story of this very special day. Maddie has a style all her own and she looked adorable on her very first day of kindergarden. The new hairdo is soooo cute!
Hi Becky,
Miss Maddie looks like such a big girl, and the new haircut looks really good on her! My Emily will not start preschool until next fall, but I've been dreading it for a long time know...
I hope Maddie's first day was a success. I love the dinner you plan the night before school starts-it seems like such a fun way to prepare them for their first day. If you don’t mind, I may borrow your idea and use it next fall-God willing! Take care, Jeymmy
Her hair cut is PRECIOUS!! I Love it. And, I went to high school with Mrs. Legaluche's youngest son!
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