Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sabbath Adventures: A Hike in Las Trampas

We spent our Sabbath morning hiking as a family in Las Trampas. Maddie woke up in one of her famous (or should I say infamous) moods, so we weren't sure if she would be up for it. But Maddie made it up the mountain with just a teensy bit of grumbling and pouting, putting all that energy to good use!

At the top (or really, half way up) we took a turn and checked out the ponds. Sam found some sticks perfect for throwing in the water.

And when I stooped down to snap a picture of his extreme cuteness, he was off:

We found Maddie and Dada hard at work building a house out of adult-sized lincoln logs (old fence posts tossed in a pile). The kids were WAY into it:

And just like that, the mood was lifted! Hooray for outside creative time!

Maddie and Sam worked hard together:

When to my right, I noticed the slightest movement and was surprised to find this little guy, popping up and down as we played not a few feet away.

Maddie was especially tickled by his cuteness and realllly wanted to hold him.
As tickled as we were by HER cuteness (look at that face!), we said no. Those were some nasty, sharp teeth.

Just to show you how close we were:

After saying goodbye to "Silly" the gopher (named by Maddie), we headed back down the hill. Big sis wasn't thrilled about posing, but the fellas got a good shot in front of Mt. Diablo:

We hiked back down, throwing rocks (Sam) and finding treasures (Maddie) along the way. It is hard to top the views from Las Trampas. A beautiful Fall day, perfect for a hike, and a fun morning for the Joyce Fam!

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