Maddie Mae,
Wow. This month, you've had a lot of firsts:
you started second grade (and you LOVE IT!)
attended aeronautics engineering class (liked it)
took a watercolor class (you keep improving, your art is amazing)
took a few shots at the goal (and would've scored if not for the good goalie)
received your first real Bible. It's blue. You love it.
You love:
playing at the park after school, especially with friends
talking about second grade
welcoming new people and making them feel comfortable
spending time with Evan (or any babies, for that matter)
playing soccer
reading well past your bedtime
blue (blue backpack, blue shoes, blue Bible, blue school clothes)
wearing nice clothes to school (what?! When did that happen?)
joining me for my workout videos (girl, your pushups put me to shame)
seeing your friends, especially Nicole & Mikaela
Not so much into:
Sam (see my previous post in which I use ALL CAPS to communicate my emotions about this)
practicing your violin (ugh. The daily nag.)
pink or purple (you've let everyone know your disinterest in anything remotely pink OR purple)
Things I love about this age:
you can make your own lunch, snacks, etc.
you get completely dressed and ready for school, most days, without instruction
you are a wonderful, devoted, thoughtful friend
homework is still pretty enjoyable (with a few exceptions)
we have real, adult conversations all the time
you are SUPER helpful with the baby, and you enjoy it
Your personality:
inquisitive/curious/constantly asking questions
sweet and thoughtful
tightly wound at times
At soccer you surprise us with your speed, agility, and how much your shooting has improved
At home you are generally helpful, often a little crabby (school makes you tired), and generally more interested in going out than staying in
At school, your teacher has nothing but positive feedback about your willingness to work hard, focus, and your heart that is so kind and welcoming
At times, you surprise me with how grown up you are. The things you say and do seem to be too old for seven, and I definitely can identify the mannerisms you pick up from older kids at school. You are so mature, so wise beyond your years, and so fun to be around. We really enjoy you, as does just about everyone who has met you. We feel so lucky and blessed that you are part of our family.
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