Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 on 10: Sick Day Edition

6:45 At this point, I'd already been awake for 1 1/2 hours. Photos were not taken during this time. Ugh.

Maddie asked to stay home from school today. Yesterday she got a krick in her neck and it was still bothering her this morning.

I've been a crazy organizer the past two days. This morning's project was taking care of my craft bins. They look sparkly clean and organized! (note: 3rd cup of tea)

While I was organizing, Sam was moisturizing. The carpet. And his clothes.

Two sick kids means t.v. time mid-morning. Get over it.

Birthday crafts!

Maddie requested the following things on her sandwich: mayonnaise, butter, cheese and lettuce.

Being home all day means catching up on laundry. The hampers are officially emptied!

Still doing birthday crafts after naptime. I accomplished so much today!

Special surprise: my giveaway win in the mail! Check out olive blue for more super cowl cuteness!


mel @ the larson lingo said...

Sorry the kids are sick. Kate said she was sad Maddie (& Nicole) weren't at school today. The birthday crafts look fun! And, love the cowl!

Nicole M said...

bahhhh...that is so stinkin cute on you! I am soooo glad you got it! Thanks for the lovely comment and for posting about my cowl on your gorg blog!! xoxox