Saturday, June 14, 2014

Maddie: 68 Months

At 7 years, 6 months, you are:
fiercely determined
fiercely devoted
loving, patient & kind
easily frustrated
a very hard worker

Softball season was a mix of:
getting frustrated
overcoming obstacles
fierce determination
enthusiastic cheering

You love:
Evan kisses
Evan snuggles
playing with Evan
hitting the ball hard
swimming with friends
spending time with Daddy
making Daddy laugh by doing crazy dances

You are NOT a fan of:
talking about your day on the way home from school
striking out
pesky brothers
disappointing others

You spend your days:
playing with Sam & Evan
working hard at school
diligently applying yourself to your homework without complaining
practicing violin and improving each week
making up songs, dances, & stories

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