As of tomorrow, July 14th, my baby girl will be SIX months old.
Her Tutu described her lately as "delightful," a word that her daddy has used on more than one occassion. And that is what she is, a true delight. This month she started log rolling, fast and furious, across the living room floor. The large quilt we have been using for floor playtime no longer is big enough for her adventures. The tile floor, tile hearth, and leather couches have all been in on the rolling action, a few times with ouchy consequences. But, as her Grammy said, she will get bruises, there is only so much I can do.
Maddie continues to like singing and music of any kind. Just today I purchased her first musical toy, a drum that makes different noises depending on what you drop inside (instrument noises, animal noises, and a lot of songs). So far, she loves it. Her eyes grow wide with excitement upon hearing a new noise. "Old MacDonald" is still our Ace in the Hole, a song that makes the tears stop and the smiling/singing start. Maddie loves to hum along to almost any song, but especially that farmyard favorite (props to my country raisin'.)
Laughing is abundant in our home these days due to Maddie's ever-increasing antics and her ability to make the funniest faces, sounds, and movements. Tutu taught her to raspberry, and it is one of her most favorite activities. She will blow raspberries at just about anyone in an attempt to get them to play with her, or just to admire her general cuteness and amazing noise-making skills. Just the other night I nursed her to sleep and when I placed her in the crib, she woke up for just a second, blew a raspberry, and then laid her head down to sleep. I cracked up all the way down the stairs on my way to tell her dad.
Maddie is amazing. She is a gift. She is more fun, more loveable, more kissable and more delightful than we ever could have imagined. Happy half-year birthday, my sweet girl. I'm so proud to be your Mama.
Hey Ben and Becky! I saw the link to your blog off Jon and Holly's and absolutely love the pics of your sweet baby girl. She's too cute. Our little Heidi is now 17 months- so hard to believe! Our blog is ulricksonfam.blogspot if you're ever in the neighborhood. Hope you guys are doing well!
Dear Becky,
I love reading your blog. I couldn't believe it when my name was mentioned in it! Thank you for thinking of me and remembering I had said that Madeleine is delightful and that I was trying to teach her the raspberries. I am very sure that I am not unique in coming up with that descriptor or in blowing bubbles at her to try to get a big smile, but I was tickled to have you attrtibute those fun things to me for her memories.
love, tutu
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